So...what is banned books week?
From the ABFEE Website:
The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) is a sponsor of Banned Books Week, the only national celebration of the freedom to read. Banned Books Week is held each year during the last week of September. The American Library Association, the Association of American Publishers, the American Society of Journalists and Authors and the National Association of College Stores also sponsor the event. Banned Books Week is also endorsed by the Center for the Book of the Library of Congress.
The first thing I did before writing my review was refer to the ALA website for a current list of banned/challenged books.
Did you happen to notice what was number one on the list?
Harry Potter. And not just one Harry Potter book, the entire series. My initial reaction was...what? I know I shouldn't have been surprised...but I was.

The Harry Potter series has exploded onto the book scene, causing readers everywhere to beg for more from this young wizard who is trying to find his way in a world he never even knew existed. The series has been challenged for having violence, lack of family, religious viewpoints and even Satanism.
Goodreads Description:
Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility.
All he knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley--a great big swollen spoiled bully. Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years.
But all of that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to an incredible place that Harry--and anyone who reads about him--will find unforgettable.
For it's there that he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic in everything from classes to meals, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him...if Harry can survive the encounter.
How can you not be intrigued as a reader? For me Harry Potter has been a great tool in getting excited about reading. There's adventure and magic. Watching the trials and tribulations that Harry must face over the years. I just love this series. And I know I'm not alone.
So look over the banned/challenged book list and see if your favorites are there. You might be surprised like I was.
To see the other reviews, visit the link on Taherah's blog here.