These are just a handful of words that come to mind when I think of how to describe Jessica Bell's debut novel String Bridge. Now I have to admit I'm not good at venturing outside of my young adult comfort zone, but let me tell you that I am so glad I did.
From the moment I began reading String Bridge I was hard pressed to put it down. That's how I measure the quality of a good book. If I walk around my house attempting to multitask while still reading, then I know it has to be fabulous.
Jessica has created a raw and relatable character in Melody. The roller coaster of emotions this character goes through leaves the reader breathless and begging for more. What starts out as a story of a woman striving to reach a lifelong dream soon swerves into something much, much more than the reader can even possibly imagine.
Not convinced yet?
Here's a little snippet...
String Bridge by Jessica Bell (Goodreads Author)

Goodreads Description:
Greek cuisine, smog and domestic drudgery was not the life Australian musician, Melody, was expecting when she married a Greek music promoter and settled in Athens, Greece. Keen to play in her new shoes, though, Melody trades her guitar for a 'proper' career and her music for motherhood. That is, until she can bear it no longer and plots a return to the stage--and the person she used to be. However, the obstacles she faces along the way are nothing compared to the tragedy that awaits, and she realizes she's been seeking fulfilment in the wrong place.
Dying to read it yet? You should be. You need to read this book. But you'll have to wait a little while longer. the official release date for String Bridge is Tuesday November 1st. I know, I know I hate teasing, but I just couldn't wait to share.
To learn more about Jessica you can visit her website here or her amazing blog here.