Over the weekend someone near and dear to me did something I can't believe I'm still talking about, much less blogging about.
But this is just to good to let drop. This person who will remain nameless has been bugging me to know what happens in Breaking Dawn. She has watched all of the Twilight movies and now wants to know how it ends. My response? Read the book. I will not tell people how stories end. I just can't do it. She has asked me several times how it ends and I tell her the same thing every time. So this weekend she was at Walmart and while her husband was perusing the isles for whatever it is he gets there, the little stinker picked up Breaking Dawn and read the last chapter. Then she has the nerve to tell me about it.
You can imagine how that conversation went.
One of my all time no-no's is skipping to the end of a book. Especially a good book. I mean, who does that? For me part of the fun is getting there. I love picking up a book that I just can't put down. A book that I find myself walking around the house with. Reading while I cook...clean...whenever and wherever I can. Unable to think of anything else until I read that last page. So skipping to the end is, well I just can't imagine doing this.
This got me thinking of my own writing. I am a self proclaimed pantser through and through. When I sit down to start a new project I have the big idea and my characters. I jot down a few details and possible solutions, but that's it. The ending of my own book isn't set in stone until I get there. Again, part of the fun is letting it develop and take on a life of it's own.
Okay...here endeth my rant. So my question for all of you is obvious. Would you skip to the end if you were dying to know what happens? Or are you in for the long haul?
Ooh, I want to read and absorb every word and scene of a good book; however, I will admit that I have skipped and peeked. Grr...I know. My bad.
I'm in for the long haul in a book. That being said.... i won't read a book until I read the last line and make sure it's not crappy. I have a thing for last lines in books....if they are cheesy or stupif or unsatisfying...it kind of ruins the experience for me. So, I always check it out before I make the purchase (unless someone else has guaranteed it's a good book.)
I have never skipped to the end. I mean, what's the point of reading if you don't enjoy the whole book?! Although because I've read so many books and seen so many movies, I usually have it figured out pretty quick but still I let the writer guide me through the story, that's the point of fiction.
I've got to put my hand up! I skip. But only if book doesn't have me completely gripped. It's normally the end of the reading experience for me anyway, as I can't be bothered to read the rest of it properly then.
no!!! i don't understand skipping to the end either! ugh! bugs me so much! and i write much like you too! i wonder if the skippers tend to be outliners too?
Absolutely, 100%, NOT! And I'm an outliner!! :)
I have to make myself not turn to the end; the temptation is too great. I don't like doing it though.
I'm usually a stick it out kind of reader. The only time I'll start skimming is if the book isn't doing anything for me. Then I skim the book until the end because I'm one of those people who can't stop something unless it's truly horrible.
If it's a good book, I can't imagine not reading every word.
Skip to the end? No, no, no, no, no. Did I say no enough then? :)
I can't imagine not reading all the book. The journey is the point of the book. The ending is just the chocolate treat when you get there.
As for my writing, you know I'm a pantser. I have the beginning, middle and end figured out, but I like to let it grow during writing. :)
I admit I kind of cheated with the Twilight books. I got through them twice as fast by reading the dialogue at the beginning of each paragraph and then skipping to the next group of dialogue tags.
I'm most often in for the long haul; I don't like skipping to the end of a book at all, although I will do it if I don't really like the book (and only in that case) but want to know what happens anyway. For example (please don't kill me for saying this!) I read the of The Hunger Games on Wikipedia because I don't really like the books but wanted to know what happened in the end.
if it's a good book, and I'm really enjoying it, I NEVER skip to the end!!! I also don't like reading books I've seen the movie for b/c it ruins the suspense for me...
but if it's a sucky book... well, I usually put it down.
So I guess I never skip to the end! :D That stinker shouldn't have done you like that~ ;p
BLASPHEMY! I can't do it with books. I can't spoil it for myself. But movies or some shows, I'm a total end spoiler. But it's usually if its a really good show and I can't stand to NOT know if someone is going to make it, then I google that character to find out. But, you're right, that is the most fun about being a pantser, never knowing where you will end up!
I admit it. I sometimes skip to the end -- especially if that's the only way I'm going to be able to put the book down so I can ... eat, shower, sleep, go to work.
Otherwise, I prefer to be surprised.
Yikes! No!!! Although I do know one person who reads the last page of a book before she decides if she's going to read it. She doesn't want to read anything without a happy ending! :)
I do actually sometimes skip to the end. That's because, for me, the main joy of the book is the writing style, and if the tension is too much too fast (and not paced well, even if the rest of the book is fantastic) I'll skip to the end so I can properly enjoy the actual book. Weird, I know. :)
Spoilers are the worst! I'd NEVER, EVER skip to the end ... never! It's all about the joy of the read, putting yourself in the shoes of the protagonist, and taking the journey along the story arc until the very end. I can't stand it when people tell me the ending (or any part for that matter). Just tell me if you liked it and if it's worth the read. I won't even watch a movie based on a book if I haven't read the book yet. I refused to watch Eclipse until I finished reading the book. Actually, I just realized I finished the book last summer & I still haven't watched the movie. It's on my list of things to do! lol I haven't read Breaking Dawn yet and if the movie comes out before I get around to it, well I won't be goint to see it until I finish the book~
Good for you, Renae! Your dear friend doesn't know what she's missing out on!
~ Noelle
I have a friend like this, too. She always wants me to tell her how books end before she finishes them. I don't want to ruin the book for her, but she claims that it doesn't bother her.
Me? I almost dived to the ground and covered my ears while I was waiting in line for the seventh Harry Potter book to be released at midnight. The guy in front of me got the book and then opened it to the last chapter and started reading from it! WTF? I would have seriously gotten in a fist fight if need be, but luckily his friends stopped him from ruining it for everyone.
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