All you have to do is purchase the book today (paperback, or eBook), November 11th, and then email the receipt to:
She will then email you a link to download the album at no extra cost!
Rave Reviews for String Bridge:

“Jessica Bell’sSTRING BRIDGE strummed the fret of my
veins, thrummed my blood into a mad rush, played me taut until the final page,
yet with echoes still reverberating. A rhythmic debut with metrical tones of
heavied dark, fleeting prisms of light, and finally, a burst of joy—just as
with any good song, my hopeful heartbeat kept tempo withBell ’s narrative.” ~ Kathryn Magendie, author of Sweetie and Publishing Editor of Rose & Thorn Journal
“Poet and musician Jessica Bell's debut novelString Bridge is a rich exploration of desire, guilt, and the difficult balancing act of the modern woman. The writing is lyrical throughout,
seamlessly integrating setting, character and plot in a musical structure that
allows the reader to identify with Melody's growing insecurity as her world
begins to unravel … String Bridge is a powerful debut from a promising writer, full of music, metaphor, and just a hint of magic.” ~ Magdalena Ball, author of Repulsion
Thrust and Sleep Before Evening
“Jessica Bell is a brilliant writer of great skill and depth. She doesn't pull back from the difficult
scenes, from conflict, pain, intensity. She puts it all out there, no holds
barred, no holding back. She knows how to craft a scene, how to develop
character, how to create suspense. This is an absolutely brilliant debut novel.
I look forward to reading her next novel, and next and next.” ~ Karen Jones
Gowen, author of Farm Girl, Uncut Diamonds and House of Diamonds
Was there ever a time when you felt like giving up?
Actually no. I’ve never ever wanted anything so much in my life. Not even music. When I discovered I wanted to write, something clicked. I finally had a goal I was so passionate about that I finally stopped sticking my fingers in too many different pies. When I was younger, I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do. I loved to sing, play guitar, play piano, dance, make jewelery, study archaeology, and plus some. There were so many things that I wouldn’t spend enough time perfecting any one craft. I finally found the craft I wanted to perfect and so I pushed forward with everything I had and didn’t let anything stop me.
What have you learned about promoting books in your publication journey?
That you sometimes have to bite the bullet and toot your own horn no matter how intimidated you feel. Gosh, I’m loving the clichés today …
What has worked well for you?
Hmm, I think I’m going to keep the clichés going and say … the fact that being with a Small Press meant that the promotion ball was pretty much in my court. Of course, I had to keep my nose to the grindstone, but having such an amazing support system full of people like yourself, Renae, really helped me shoot for the moon and all that jazz.
Aww, you are too sweet! Now was there anything that was a waste?
Absolutely nothing. All is as good as gold!
Fantastic! So tell us...what is your perfect writing situation?
Beats me … any place, any time, really, as long as I’m not banging my head against a brick wall.
Do you have any pearls of wisdom for aspiring authors?
Oh look, you got a cliché in there too! Awesome! Let’s see, pearls of wisdom … Batten down the hatches, lower the boom, raise the mizenmast: full speed ahead!
Ha! I just had to work my own in didn't I? Now, since I'm always looking to add to my TBR pile, what upcoming releases are you dying to get your hands on?
I’ll be all bent out of shape if I don’t get the latest releases written by Marilynne Robinson, Margaret Atwood, Anne Lamott and Raymond Carver … wait, he’s dead … wanna help me dig him up? Because I’m having minimalist withdrawals …
You are too funny! Okay now tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.
There aren’t any clichés in String Bridge. Seriously …
She's right people...and let me add that String Bridge is amazing! Thanks Jessica for answering my endless stream of questions!
To Connect further with Jessica:
String Bridge: http://www.stringbridge.com/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/jessica_bell
Website: http://www.jessicacbell.com/
Blog: http://thealliterativeallomorph.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/author.jessica.bell
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MsBessieBell
Publisher: http://www.luckypress.com/
Please TWEET and/or FACEBOOK this post using #StringBridge!
Let's all help author, Jessica Bell, top the Amazon charts today with her debut novel String Bridge, and receive the soundtrack, Melody Hill: On the Other Side, for free! Visit her blog for more details: http://thealliterativeallomorph.blogspot.com/
She will then email you a link to download the album at no extra cost!
To purchase the paperback:
To purchase the eBook:
To listen to samples of the soundtrack, visit iTunes.
If you are not familiar withString Bridge ,
check out the book trailer:
If you are not familiar with
check out the book trailer:
Rave Reviews for String Bridge:

“Jessica Bell’s
veins, thrummed my blood into a mad rush, played me taut until the final page,
yet with echoes still reverberating. A rhythmic debut with metrical tones of
heavied dark, fleeting prisms of light, and finally, a burst of joy—just as
with any good song, my hopeful heartbeat kept tempo with
“Poet and musician Jessica Bell's debut novel
seamlessly integrating setting, character and plot in a musical structure that
allows the reader to identify with Melody's growing insecurity as her world
begins to unravel … String Bridge is a powerful debut from a promising writer, full of music, metaphor, and just a hint of magic.” ~ Magdalena Ball, author of Repulsion
Thrust and Sleep Before Evening
“Jessica Bell is a brilliant writer of great skill and depth. She doesn't pull back from the difficult
scenes, from conflict, pain, intensity. She puts it all out there, no holds
barred, no holding back. She knows how to craft a scene, how to develop
character, how to create suspense. This is an absolutely brilliant debut novel.
I look forward to reading her next novel, and next and next.” ~ Karen Jones
Gowen, author of Farm Girl, Uncut Diamonds and House of Diamonds
And for a very special treat, a word from the author herself:
Check out my interview with Jessica...
Was there ever a time when you felt like giving up?
Actually no. I’ve never ever wanted anything so much in my life. Not even music. When I discovered I wanted to write, something clicked. I finally had a goal I was so passionate about that I finally stopped sticking my fingers in too many different pies. When I was younger, I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do. I loved to sing, play guitar, play piano, dance, make jewelery, study archaeology, and plus some. There were so many things that I wouldn’t spend enough time perfecting any one craft. I finally found the craft I wanted to perfect and so I pushed forward with everything I had and didn’t let anything stop me.
What have you learned about promoting books in your publication journey?
That you sometimes have to bite the bullet and toot your own horn no matter how intimidated you feel. Gosh, I’m loving the clichés today …
What has worked well for you?
Hmm, I think I’m going to keep the clichés going and say … the fact that being with a Small Press meant that the promotion ball was pretty much in my court. Of course, I had to keep my nose to the grindstone, but having such an amazing support system full of people like yourself, Renae, really helped me shoot for the moon and all that jazz.
Aww, you are too sweet! Now was there anything that was a waste?
Absolutely nothing. All is as good as gold!
Fantastic! So tell us...what is your perfect writing situation?
Beats me … any place, any time, really, as long as I’m not banging my head against a brick wall.
Do you have any pearls of wisdom for aspiring authors?
Oh look, you got a cliché in there too! Awesome! Let’s see, pearls of wisdom … Batten down the hatches, lower the boom, raise the mizenmast: full speed ahead!
Ha! I just had to work my own in didn't I? Now, since I'm always looking to add to my TBR pile, what upcoming releases are you dying to get your hands on?
I’ll be all bent out of shape if I don’t get the latest releases written by Marilynne Robinson, Margaret Atwood, Anne Lamott and Raymond Carver … wait, he’s dead … wanna help me dig him up? Because I’m having minimalist withdrawals …
You are too funny! Okay now tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.
There aren’t any clichés in String Bridge. Seriously …
She's right people...and let me add that String Bridge is amazing! Thanks Jessica for answering my endless stream of questions!
To Connect further with Jessica:
String Bridge: http://www.stringbridge.com/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/jessica_bell
Website: http://www.jessicacbell.com/
Blog: http://thealliterativeallomorph.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/author.jessica.bell
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MsBessieBell
Publisher: http://www.luckypress.com/
Please TWEET and/or FACEBOOK this post using #StringBridge!
Let's all help author, Jessica Bell, top the Amazon charts today with her debut novel String Bridge, and receive the soundtrack, Melody Hill: On the Other Side, for free! Visit her blog for more details: http://thealliterativeallomorph.blogspot.com/
Good luck Jessica and thanks everyone for stopping by!
Thank you so much for posting today! :o) Yay!
Yay for Jessica! The book is amazing. Congrats!!
Jessica is awesome. Thanks for lending her a hand, Renae!
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