This time of year is always absolutely chaotic. With field trips, construction, field days and the last day of school right around the corner, my days are filled with stressful madness.
So it got me to thinking of the perfect place to write. Here's what I managed to come up with...
How about a nice home office?
A nice quiet library perhaps?
A beautiful cafe?
The beach anyone?
Or my personal favorite, Central Park.
And now back to reality. I dare not show you my actual writing space. Now it's your turn...what would your perfect writing space look like?
Winter Wishes Giveaway Hop
1 day ago
I think my perfect writing space would be at a coffee shop overlooking a rainforest, but since I don't have one here, I think any place with quiet would work.
Those are lovely ideas. My house is not big enough for a home office. So I work on the dining room table we never eat at. Our totally falling down screened porch is being converted to a sunroom right now and when it's done, I'll start working in there. Once I get a table.
We have an office but need to fix it up (rip out the old carpet and put hardwood, get proper furniture, etc). I'll be glad when we get all that done so I can finally have a comfortable place to work.
Ideally, I'd love a little retreat in the mountains, so that every time I looked out the window, I'd see rolling hills and trees and maybe even a river. All I'd hear is the birds chirping and the breeze in the trees.
Working in schools as well, I completely hear you. We have six weeks left and right now feels like this slow stress build.
Breathe, breathe, give that kid a hug, give that other kid an office referral, breathe, listen to that parent crying in your office, return that phone call to that teacher who's dealing with the chair thrower, breathe.
I love all my kids (I think you have to work in education) but man...Hawaii is sounding good (by the way, that's called "escape behavior.")
Right now I'm thinking your picture of the beautiful cafe would suit me just fine. It looks the most surreal (i.e., ha, ha, good luck Becky) to me.
Okay, sat on my little writing space (i.e. my bed, my bedroom, the house) I'd love to write in any of those places. I kind of want one of those little writing sheds, but all decked out with comfy chairs and a mini starbucks in the corner. lol.
That cafe looks marvelous! For me, ideally I'd love to be near some warm water. It's cold up North. :) I'd need a view, though. Lots of inspiration. Nature rocks!
My favourite writing place is sitting in the conservatory - plenty of light and far away enough from the phone to allow the machine to pick up calls rather than run to answer it!
Although, views of the garden and watching the birds do offer distractions!
Love that library! Also the café and the beach... so the perfect space would be in a library café that's on the beach!!!
My perfect place to write would be Carrie Bradshaw's apartment in Sex In The City 2...those Tiffany blue walls accented in white trim were beautiful. I love the fact that her writing space overlooks the street below...perfect place to people watch or listen to different conversations of the people below. I wish I could steal away for 2 days a week just to focus on writing.
I'll take the library!
Is there an accompanying movie theater in case I need estra inspiration?
I would build a little spot in the backyard. I just need a lock on the door to keep my kids out. :)
I must confess, as lovely as all those places are, I have to be in my cave to write... :D I actually saw the perfect cave in a house we looked over the weekend... too bad the neighborhood was prohibitive. sigh.
I have a home office, but I like to turn a fan on and lay out in front of it to write, so anywhere in my house I can do that. I tried Central Park, but there weren't any good outlets, and at the beach I kept getting sand in my fan motor, so I stick close to home.
Oooh, that library picture is fabulous. Wouldn't I love to be there?!
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