In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Anyone can participate in IMM and you are not limited to only sharing books that arrive via your mailbox. You can also share books that you've bought or books that you've gotten at the library. You can find more information on how to participate in the In My Mailbox meme by visting The Story Siren.
If you're into chick lit,you'll love PLL!
It seems like everybody had Meyer's book in their mailbox this week :)
I'm loving the first book. Can't wait to read the rest.
Great choices Renae!!! I'm interested in Pretty Little Liars! It's always intrigued me so you'll have to tell me how it goes!
I'm reading The Host by Stephanie Meyer so we'll see how that goes to if I'll purchase the novella, I've yet to read the Twilight series though so I'll have to do that first!
IMM - Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilber!!! (UPS has been killing me lately not delivering on time so I've waited two weeks rather than the 3 days that was promised! Hopefully today I get it!)
The Forest of Hands & Teeth along with Dead Tossed waves is also in my mailbox! Look we're matching! Haha!
I'm on the fifth PLL book, still loving this series! I've read the first four in under a week. Careful, it's addictive!
Ooh, I'm definitely a Carrie Ryan fan. Haven't ordered THE DEAD TOSSED WAVES yet, but am so going to! Nice post!!
Jen I loved The Host! And the first book of PLL is very good.
DaniSue-I'm already addicted, I've had to order books two and three because none of the bookstores have them!
Zoe-I loved Forest of Hands and Teeth. I've heard the second is even better.
Ooh some great choices there.
You'll have another coming soo. I posted Shiver on Saturday for you.
Looks like you're going to have lots of fun reading!! :)
Nice choices! I wonder if you'll like the SASLOBT. I'm curious about it!
Lindsay-Yay! I can't wait!!!
Jemi-I am having a blast reading, but I've sort of been on a writing roll, so the books have been on the shelf. At least they look pretty!
Lydia- Two words for you...loved it!!!!!!!
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