First up is another phenomenal contest brought to you by the girls over at YA Highway.
YA Highway has just announced the fabulous books they will be giving away. Books that won't be available in the stores for weeks, months even! Oh yes, you don't want to miss this. They have assembled four unbelievable bundles.
Three with Young Adult books and one with Middle Grade.
Here's what they have up for grabs for FOUR happy readers:
1. MATCHED by Ally Condie and VIRALS by Kathy Reisch (spin-off of the BONES TV show) (YA)
2. BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS (sequel to Beautiful Creatures) by Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia and THE SAGA OF LARTEN CREPSLEY by Darren Shan (YA)
3. FORGE - SIGNED! - by Laurie Halse Anderson and THE DUFF - SIGNED! - by Kody Keplinger (heck yeah we're giving another one of these hotties away!) (YA)
4. MURDER AFLOAT by Jane Lesley Conley and THE MAGNIFICENT 12: THE CALL by Michael Grant (MG)
Enter by visiting YA Highway and filling out the form on their blog.
Earn points by:
Being a follower of YA Highway (required) +1
Commenting with your most anticipated about-to-be-released book +1
Tweeting this contest +1Blogging this contest +1
Good Luck!!!
Next on the list of incredible contests is the Agent Pitch Contest that Shelli over at Market My Words is throwing featuring my fabulous agent Bree Ogden. Shelli has also posted an insightful interview with Bree as well.
Pitch Contest!Rules:
1) You can only enter one query so pick your best one.
2) You must be a follower of Shelli's blog to enter
3) Follow Bree's blog. Bonus! (FYI you can also follow Bree on Twitter)
4) Leave your query pitch in the comments. It can be no more than 3 sentences and one sentence pitches are fine! Sometimes they are more effective than 3 sentences.
5) You have until June 8th, Tues 9 PST/12 EST PM to enter. Shelli will go by the time stamps in the blog comments so check your clock!
Some Tips:
Go to her announcement for an example of a query pitch.
Nathan Bransford had a great posting on pitches.
Information on a one-sentence pitch
1st place winner can submit the entire manuscript
2nd place winner can submit a partial (first 3 chapters)
3rd place winner will get a query critique
Wow! You don't want to miss this one boys and girls! Good Luck!!!
Good luck on the contests, and thanks for sharing. Found you over at Shooting Stars. :)
Thanks, you too, I am dying to read Beautiful Darkness!
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Thanks for the contest tips! I haven't read any of those books, so I might have to stop by a certain highway... Thanks for the follow!
Thanks to you as well Samantha! Good luck with the contest!
Wow, thanks for telling us about the contest! Aren't contests incredibly awesome? When I first started blogging (Like, a whole month or two ago...:D) I had no idea there was so much awesome stuff out there!
I've been meaning to head over to ya Highway- heading over now!
I *heart* YAHighway. That is all. :)
Thank you so much for sharing the contests and ideas...I love your is pretty in pink...your words are even better though...
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